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  He ran his hands over her body, unable to touch enough. Her skin was like warm silk beneath his palms—and that only turned him on more since the only silk he’d ever caressed had been on a woman. Briony surpassed them all. He couldn’t think of anything but the feel of her against his skin and the sensation of her sheath squeezing his cock so tight it was like a fist slamming up and down his length.

  The sweet friction had his balls pulling close to his body, and he wasn’t sure he would last much longer. He gritted his teeth as he fought coming. He needed her to find her release first. Nothing would compare to the unbelievable clench of her pussy around him as she trembled in his arms and screamed her pleasure. He needed to hear it. He needed to feel it.

  Reaching between them as he neared the breaking point, he worked two fingers into her folds and captured her erect clit. Gently, he pinched. Briony bucked, her eyes wild as a strangled cry ripped from her. Her nails dug into his shoulders and she jerked, writhing above him in unconstrained bliss.

  Beautiful, he thought distantly, but all other thought was washed away by the orgasmic release of pressure that pulsed through his groin and exploded through his cock.

  His choppy pants punctuated the air as he returned to himself. Briony smiled. Leaning forward, she cupped his face then kissed him softly on the lips, her mouth lingering against his as if savoring him before she let go. Turning her torso so she was awkwardly facing Nic, she repeated the gesture.

  With a groan, she moved off Leo but remained straddling him. “If I were handing out grades, that would definitely have been an A plus and some extra credit points, too.”

  Nic growled and pulled her into his arms, then shifted so they lay on the bed beside Leo. He kissed her temple, but when he looked down at her, the expression on his face was fierce. “Don’t say that. Don’t think that.”

  “Think what?” she asked in confusion.

  “About us. As students.”

  “I wasn’t—”

  “We’re men—grown adults—who want you and care about you.”

  “Geez, man,” Leo chided him. “Chill. It was only an expression.” He looked at Briony. “Am I wrong to think you’d say that to any man not just one who was a student?”

  “No other man has made me feel like this, but if he had, yeah, I might have. And…” She sighed. “I have never slept with a student.”

  Instinctively, Leo knew she wasn’t silently adding, “until now.” As the baby in his family, Nic just had issues with people taking him seriously.

  “And how do you feel about us?” he asked quietly.

  Her teeth sank into her bottom lip and she was silent for a minute. “I’ve always stuck to what I know…you know? Numbers are…orderly. I know what to expect. And I’ve arranged my life accordingly. I’ve always done things a certain way, followed a schedule. Then you two happened along. I’ve noticed men in my classes before, but you two…you distracted me. No one else has ever done that.

  “When you came to my office the other day and you said the things you did, it was all I could do not to say ‘how about now?’ I like who you are—how you behave. I’m attracted to how smart you both are. Your personalities attract me.” She slid a hand down each man’s chests. “And there’s no denying, you’re both hot enough to make me sin. There’s nothing I don’t like about you. And everything I know attracts me. And I want to know more.”

  Nic wrapped an arm around her middle. “God, that’s exactly how I feel. I want to know everything.”

  “I’m not going to lie,” she murmured. “I’m scared. This isn’t a normal relationship. People will talk about the three of us. And the fact you were students. There’s a lot of gray area. It could jeopardize my job.” She paused and took a deep breath. “But I’m more scared of denying this. I want to explore what we have here and see if it can lead to something permanent.”

  Leo bit back a growl. The thought of ever letting her go made his stomach churn. Silently, he also wrapped an arm around her middle, just below Nic’s. He wanted to tell her that her job didn’t matter. That he wanted to take her with them when they left to work on the next book.

  His nose nudged into her shoulder as the exertion from their sex pulled him toward slumber. A quick rest and then more…

  “It will be okay, Bree.”

  It had to be.

  Chapter Three

  Briony wasn’t sure if she could ever remember feeling better. She lay in bed as she came fully awake and listened to Nic and Leo breathe. Being there between them was heaven. She couldn’t help but wonder at the quick connection she felt with them. Karma, fate, kismet, soul mates, she wondered, bandying about terms she wasn’t studied in. Since the first time she’d seen them, her mind had been drawn to them and her panties had been perpetually damp.

  Sitting up cautiously so she didn’t wake them, she glanced down at their naked bodies. Offhand, she noticed Leo had gotten rid of his condom at some point. She didn’t think on it. The sight of their beautiful, semi-erect cocks took her back to what had happened between them just an hour ago. She definitely wanted more.

  If that were to happen, she probably should turn off dinner and put things away.

  Carefully, she scooted to the end of the bed. Her cane was downstairs in the hallway. That presented a bit of a problem, but she’d be damned if she’d wait around and ask her new lovers to fetch it for her. She wasn’t a feeble old lady. She was strong and she could manage.

  Her leg immediately protested as she stood.

  Gritting her teeth, she balanced her weight on her strong leg. She could do this. She could make it across the room and out to the kitchen. Her eyes closed and she swallowed before taking a deep breath. Hesitantly, she took a step. Her muscles clenched as they struggled then lost to the weakness of her limb. Her leg buckled. She dropped to the floor with a thump, jarring the bed on the way.

  Mortification slipped over her and she considered crawling under the bed, hot prickles racing her back when both men jerked awake. Amplifying her embarrassment, her eyes filled with tears. She wanted to be strong and perfect. How could Leo and Nic want such an invalid?

  “Briony?” Leo asked, panic tingeing his voice. “Briony?” he repeated quietly when he saw her. She buried her face in her drawn up legs.

  Nic was kneeling at her side in an instant. “Sweetheart, are you okay?”

  She shook her head without looking up. Inadequacy squashed all the bliss she’d felt this evening. Why had she been so stupid? She wasn’t one of the cutesy sorority girls who surely chased after these two. On some level, she’d bought into Nic’s soul mate talk. Stupid. After all this time, she should be smarter than this.

  She felt Leo climb down beside her, too.

  “Baby, are you hurt?” he asked gently, his arm sliding around her. She started to shake her head then nodded. The pain cutting through her was far more than physical.

  “Please, just leave,” she said. She could grade papers, clean house, eat a mixing bowl of ice cream and forget the euphoria she’d experienced in their arms and the humiliation of her body’s shortcomings.

  Instead of moving away from her, Leo tightened his arm around her shoulders. Nic wrapped her in his embrace from the other side. She bit back a groan at the blanketing warmth that surrounded her. Succumbing wasn’t an option.

  “Go,” she reiterated.

  Leo shook his head. “Why?”

  Because her temporary insanity had worn off and doused her with ice water. She lifted her head, taking courage despite her tear-stained cheeks, and faced her demons…or at least the angels who’d led her to a glimpse of heaven. “This isn’t the right thing. Not for you,” she said.

  “Why?” Leo repeated.

  “It felt pretty damn right to me. Perfect, actually,” Nic growled, his impetuous nature breaking through. He always charged forward while Leo investigated. She would have smiled at the diametric difference if not for her sorrow.

  “In bed,” she conceded, then scrubbed both hands over
her face as she gathered her thoughts. “But life is about more than that. There’s sex then there’s companionship. Don’t you want someone who can keep up with you as you run around on whatever adventure life leads you to? There must be some girl your age who would adore having both of you.”

  Who wouldn’t? Their attraction went far beyond their looks. They were good men, talented and caring and smart.

  Nic scowled. “So you’re going to toss us out of your bed just like that?” he demanded. He stood and paced away. “What was this? Some fantasy romp? A teacher-student scene? Professor Swift fucks the younger guys then kicks them out of her life when they think they have a chance? Is that what this was? A game?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “Nic!” Leo rasped. “Shut the fuck up!”

  “Why? Are you going to tell me you’re okay with this?” he snapped then glared at Briony, looking all the part of the Olympian god come to cast judgment and conquer the people—or at least her.

  Leo’s lips pressed together as he glared at his friend. Pointedly not answering Nic’s question, he turned his gaze back on Briony. “Where were you going?”

  God, she was pathetic. She’d hoped that she could get them out of here without admitting she’d fallen before she could take two steps toward the kitchen. Unfortunately the truth of what had happened was obvious. “I was going to turn off dinner.” She rubbed a hand over her eyes. “This was a bad idea. Do you really want to have a relationship with a woman who can’t walk from her bedroom without support?”

  “And that makes you unworthy of love? Is that what you think?” Leo asked.

  “Don’t you think we thought about this? A lot?” Nic added, coming back and kneeling beside them. “Look, I’m sorry I blew up there. In my family…well let’s just say I spent a too much time fighting to be acknowledged or taken seriously. I swear half the time I had to fight for a bed to sleep in. It carries over, you know. Some kids turn into perfect angels. Some say exactly what they feel, especially if it gets them what they want.”

  She smiled. “Like sex?”

  “Like you.” He kissed her temple. “It’s not just about the sex—which is great by the way. I want to hold you and coddle you and make sure that nothing ever hurts you.”

  “And what do you get out of it? It seems like I get it all.”

  “Anything you want to give us as your lovers,” Leo said.

  “Okay.” Briony bit her lip. That could be an awful lot. She thought of them as equals, and whenever they touched her, the electricity that seemed to burst through her told of a connection that was beyond typical lust. She wasn’t an untried virgin. She’d been with men before. She’d been with very attractive men who turned her on. She hadn’t felt this…bond.

  Maybe there was more to Nic’s ideas on fate than she’d been willing to credit.

  “I don’t usually lose it like this,” she told them. She shook her head. “What you must think. Twice since you’ve been here.”

  Leo stretched and used the exaggerated motion to pull her into his arms. He stood. She shrieked, her arms going around his neck.

  “I think,” he said, “that you’ve worn me out. I’m starving. I think you should feed us. Nic?”

  “Oh yeah. Starving.”

  When Briony glanced over Leo’s shoulder, Nic looked like he might devour her, not any food she’d prepared. Happiness filled her like the warm building glow of sunrise. They both really wanted her, weaknesses and all. From that moment, she vowed not to be so self-conscious and critical of herself.

  Nic detoured toward the front door to get her cane and Briony directed Leo to her sunny-yellow kitchen. He paused inside the doorway and admired the large, neat space with the table near a pair of French doors leading to her backyard. Nic joined them there a moment later. Together, they got three plates of food to the antique painted-metal table she’d inherited from her grandparents, then she had Nic grab beers for each of them from the refrigerator.

  They passed the meal with animated conversation. The men seemed to know an awful lot about her, and finally, when she questioned them, they confessed to finding out everything they could about her after they had spotted her at the gym. She couldn’t fault them when they explained why they hadn’t approached her. They’d been dead-on with that supposition. Strangely, it didn’t make her uncomfortable that they’d been covertly learning about her. It cemented their assertion that they had thought through a relationship. It wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment idea.

  Since they knew so much about her, she insisted that they each tell her about themselves. Before they’d wiped out the pot roast she’d made, she learned that they both came from wealthy families, but were each lost in a crowd of siblings—Nic was the second of five and Leo was the third of six. That commonality had drawn them together at the private school they’d attended as teenagers. It also explained their behavior to her. One had become the angel; the other had acted out.

  Still, she didn’t doubt Leo had some devil in him. He wanted a threesome. That wasn’t exactly the norm for perfect offspring. He’d also been the mastermind of the travel-the-country plan they’d executed after their high school graduation.

  That amazed her. The two of them had taken off and explored the US and many of its attractions and landmarks rather than going directly to college. Wherever they ‘landed’ they worked and documented their stay through journals and photos until they moved on. The result was their books.

  She sipped her beer and regarded them. Here were two men who’d experienced a lifetime of adventure in four years—probably more than she had in all the years since she, herself, had graduated. How had she failed to recognize them as mature adults right from the start?

  “Are you finished?” Nic asked.

  “Hmm? Oh…yes.”

  “Good. I’m still hungry.”

  She had no idea how he could eat another thing. “I have mint-chocolate ice cream in the freezer.”

  He looked at Leo and grinned. “Too cold, don’t you think?”

  “Yes, though cold might not be a bad idea… Are there neighbors on the other side of the trees surrounding your backyard?” he asked, changing the subject as he looked outside through the large doors that formed most of the back wall of her kitchen. Dusk had fallen, veiling her yard in darkness. The thick blanket of snow was still evident, as were the shadowy trunks of the many trees behind her house.

  “No,” she answered, taking another sip of her beer. “It’s very private in the summer.” Too bad it was only in the twenties tonight. She smiled thinking of what they might do when it got warmer. The nearest neighbor was a ways down the street. Interruption or accidental discovery was unlikely. Putting up a privacy fence might not be a bad idea—

  Leo stunned her by taking the bottle from her hand. “That’s perfect,” he said.

  Nic opened the two French doors then closed the door that led from her living room.

  “What are you doing?” she asked. Goose bumps rose on her skin as cold air filled the room. In moments, it was nearly as freezing in the kitchen as it was outside—and they were naked!

  Leo lifted her onto the now-chilled metal table. She gasped at the sensation of the frigid surface under her ass. Her nipples pulled into tight knots while unbelievable heat filled her pussy.

  “Have you ever played in the cold?” he asked. Gathering the dishes and bottles, he cleared the table then placed everything in the sink so nothing would impede their activity.

  Shivering, she shook her head. “I can’t say that I have.”

  “Mmm, it makes everything all the hotter,” he told her. Spreading her legs, he moved between them. She was thankful for his body blocking the breeze that kicked up over the backyard. Still, particles of loose snow caught on the wind and sprinkled her legs. As he leaned forward and kissed her, he left enough space between their bodies that errant licks of icy air teased her spread pussy.

  Nic moved around the kitchen, but she couldn’t tell what he was doing as Leo do
minated her mouth and blocked her vision. She jumped when something icy—not icy. It was ice—skimmed along her back. Nic followed it with hot laps of his tongue as he drew the chunk of ice over her erect nipples. Briony cried into Leo’s mouth at the cold pain it created, then moaned as it morphed into shocking pleasure that had her arching into it and squirming her hips in search of Leo’s cock.

  It wasn’t Leo’s cock she got. She shrieked as she discovered Nic liked to play with icicles. He dastardly man worked a wide, blunted end into her boiling cunt, then moved the freezing, makeshift cock in and out. The sensation, the melting water seeping from her, sent wild arousal shuddering through her womb. The feeling was unlike anything she’d ever before experienced.

  Balancing on her hands, she undulated against it.

  “Yeah, sweetheart, just like that,” Nic rasped.

  Leo clasped her hips to steady her as he continued to thrust his tongue into her mouth. He pulled back. “You okay, baby?”

  Her head jerked, nodding. Words eluded her as her body tightened against the cold and grew tighter still with the pleasure.

  Gently, he leaned her back until her shoulders and back rested flat against the table. She gasped as her heated skin met the cold surface. It was as if she was fire and they plied her with ice to cool the flames, but it only stoked them higher.

  The ice inside her dwindled away and Leo knelt on the floor between her splayed legs. He pulled her ass closer to the edge of the table. Parting her folds with his thumbs, he lapped at her slit, heating her. Then he leaned back and let the cool air waft over her like freezing fingers investigating her dampened folds. She moaned and shifted—though to get away or to get more, she didn’t know.

  She seemed to be cold yet burning up everywhere. Nic continued to draw his lips and tongue over her skin, giving extra attention to her nipples. “God, yes,” she said when he suckled her. He alternately drew each peak deep into mouth. His teeth lightly abraded the flesh, delivering yet another dose of pleasure-pain.